“If you wish to be complete, go and sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven.” (Matthew 19:21)
We are grateful for your support of our Parish! Secure Online Giving allows you to make contributions to our parish without writing checks or worrying about cash donations. You may set up automatic contributions and change the timing or the amount of your gift at any time. You may make pledges and manage your contributions to the pledge amount, and you may make one-time donations for special causes. This helps you by taking one more thing off of your “to-do” list each week. It helps the parish by allowing us to budget better. Please click the link below to get started.
The Offertory, or Collection, at Mass is an integral part of the Sunday liturgy, not just because it is the primary means by which the parish receives financial support from the parishioners, but because it is also an expression of our gratitude to God for the blessings He has given us to return a portion of them back to Him for use by His Church. You can support us in three ways:
1. Sign up for online giving by making recurring payments through our Online Platform of GiveCentral. Click the button below:
2. Make an instant one-time gift by using Venmo to move money from your checking account or credit card by using your mobile phone. Find us @stlizbmore
3. Contact the parish office to register and receive offertory envelopes to place in the basket at Mass each week.
Bequests: A contribution made by an individual through a provision in their will that is effective after their death. Including our Parish in your Will lowers the taxable amount of your estate, and at the same time provides support to our parish.
What is the simplest way to write a bequest?
Should you decide to include our parish in your Will, please use the following codicil and forward to your attorney:
“I bequeath the sum of $ ______ or ____ percentage of the residual of my estate to St. Elizabeth of Hungary Church, located at 2638 E. Baltimore Street, Baltimore, MD 21224 for the benefit of St. Elizabeth of Hungary Church.”
Gifts of Stock: Gifts of appreciated stock are of great benefit to both parish and donor. The donor receives a charitable gift tax reduction for the fair market value of the security and avoids any capital gains tax on the appreciation. Transfer of the securities can be initiated by your broker and accomplished electronically.
Matching Gifts: Many companies match charitable gifts made by their employees. The best way to find out if your company does match giving is to contact your Human Resources Office and inquire if they participate.
Life Insurance: There are many possibilities of how to donate a life insurance policy. You may donate an up-to-date policy, purchase a new policy in the Parish’s name and make the premium payments, or name our parish as a beneficiary of a current policy.
Parish Endowment: The Parish Endowment Funds are kept permanently and invested to provide for ongoing support to ensure the future ministries of the Parish.
Deferred Gift: A charitable gift arrangement where the use of the asset is delayed until a future time.
Memorial Gifts: Support given to our Parish in memory of a beloved family member or friend as a special way to remember an important person whom you were blessed to know and love.
Charitable Gift Annuity: Typically an agreement in which cash or other assets are transferred to a charitable organization in exchange for its promise to pay the donor an annuity for life. Charitable Gift Annuities offer the donor the opportunity to simultaneously increase their income, receive a charitable deduction, and make a gift to the parish. The income to the donor is guaranteed for one or two lifetimes (if there is a spouse). This income may be deferred should the donor wish, or reversed immediately.
Real Estate: You may make a gift of property that will sell easily. You can avoid capital gains taxes on property you have owned for more than one year and receive a considerable reduction in estate taxes.
Retirement Plan Assets: Naming the Parish or a specific program or fund as beneficiary of a retirement plan.
Trusts: Money, securities or property that are held under a trust agreement to provide income for the beneficiary.
In-Kind Gift: A contribution of equipment, supplies, labor or other property in lieu of a monetary gift.