The ministry of Altar Server (sometimes called Acolyte) involves the younger members of our Faith Community. It is a meaningful way for our youth to put into action our baptismal call to service. The ministry of Altar Server is open to boys and girls who regularly participate in the Sunday Liturgy, who have already received First Eucharist, and who are at least 9 years of age. Those who wish to serve will be invited to a training workshop. Parents/Guardians should inform their children of this opportunity to serve and support them in this ministry.
The Decorating Ministry, under the direction of the Liturgy Committee, is structured to enhance the beauty of the worship space with noble simplicity to accompany genuine art. This Ministry is strongly committed to heighten the awareness of liturgical seasons throughout the year by providing an atmosphere which does not detract from the purpose of our gatherings or the beauty of the church building. Decorating ministers are involved in the preparation of many Liturgical Celebrations, some on a larger scale and others on a smaller scale. Based on need, the number of people required for each celebration may vary. The seasons of Christmas and Easter demand a large number of hours and, therefore, require more decorating ministers. As a member of this Ministry, you not only become aware of personal talents which can be used to glorify God, but are offered the opportunity to work closely with others and become enriched by a sense of community in volunteering.
While all the ministries in the Faith Community are important and have their own special dignity, because of the centrality of the Holy Eucharistic in our life, the Eucharistic Ministry has a special place. The Eucharistic Minister is one who assists the celebrant and the community by administering the Body and Blood of the Lord during the Liturgy and/or to those members of the Faith Community who are unable to be present in the church due to age or illness. Answering the call to serve as a Eucharistic Minister is a reflection of the faith commitment that one has made to God and the Faith Community. Those who regularly participate in the Liturgy and who are living in the spirit of our baptismal calling and the Gospel can and should consider this ministry. Training sessions are provided for those who wish to serve in this ministry.
We, as members of the Christian community, are called to be a welcoming, hospitable and caring community. While all members and liturgical ministries need to be engaged in welcoming the gathering community, the special Ministry of Greeter is established with the primary responsibility to make people feel welcome, comfortable and to enhance each person’s sense of belonging to the Faith Community.
The Lector is a minster of the Word of God. The Lector proclaims and shares the Scriptures with the Faith Community during the Liturgy. Training sessions are offered for those wishing to serve.
The Music Ministers of St. Casimir serve to lead and encourage participation of all members of the Faith Community to worship through the gift of music. Vocalists and musicians are always welcome. Though trained musicians and vocalists are not a must, some natural music ability is needed. Most important is the music minister’s love of worship through music and a desire to work together expressing our faith in “one voice”. At the present time, the choir sings at the Saturday, 5:00 PM, Sunday 8:00 AM & 10:00 AM Mass. We are always seeking new members. All music ministers are welcome to sing at all other liturgical celebrations during the year as scheduled. Rehearsals are essential and are currently held on Thursday evenings at 7:00 PM in the Church. Other rehearsals are scheduled as needed.
On the first and third Sunday of the month, the children gather for a reading, discussion, and craft related to the Gospel. Children up to the second grade are invited to come to the Children’s Corner at St. Casimir Church.