There are many opportunities for involvement at St. E’s. Below are a few and feel free to start a new ministry or study! Please fill out this form if you are interested in getting more information on our ministries, groups, and volunteer opportunities.
Ministers of the Word (Lectors)
Lectors read the two readings before the Gospel and the Prayers of the Faithful after the Creed at Mass. Lectors must have received the Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation. Training is provided. Most lectors read at one Mass per month. Time commitment is one Sunday a month, arriving at least 10 minutes before the start of the assigned Mass.
Eucharistic Ministers
If you are interested in administering Holy Communion at Mass, you must be registered at St. E’s and have received the Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation. Time commitment is one Sunday a month, arriving at least 10 minutes before the start of the assigned Mass.
Altar Servers
This ministry is open to children and adults who have received the Sacrament of Holy Communion. Children must be at least 10 years of age. Training is provided. Time commitment is scheduled Sundays, arriving 15 minutes before the start of Mass.
Ushers welcome parishioners, take up weekly donations and pass out bulletins during Mass.
Music Ministry
Singers and musicians are needed to provide music for Sunday Masses. Time commitment is during Sunday mass with outside rehearsal time if needed.
Liturgy Committee
The Liturgy Committee assists the priests in planning and implementing various liturgical activities throughout the parish.
Parish Council
Parish Council members and Pastorate Council members plan parish life events and assist in growing and directing the parish. Time commitment is one meeting per month.
Hospitality Ministers
Parishioners needed to bring treats to share after Masses. Sign up schedule is located in the vestibule.
Events & Fundraisers
Volunteers are needed to assist in planning and organizing various events throughout the year. Events could include annual Carnival, monthly Bingos, parish feast days, holiday celebrations, etc. Tasks could include planning and preparation or assisting with the event management itself. Time commitment varies and is on an as-needed basis.
Kids Programs
Helpers needed to assist with Children’s Liturgy of the Word (when in session) and other kids events.
Clean-Up Team
Cleaning volunteers will tidy church after Mass, including tasks such as putting up kneelers, collecting items from pews. Time commitment would require arriving 10 minutes before the start of Mass and remaining about 15 minutes after.
Group Studies/Bible Studies
We have group studies going on throughout the year on various topics. Please join in or contact the office to suggest a series you would like to see offered.
Knights of Columbus
Our Knights of Columbus council brings together men from St. Elizabeth, St. Casimir, and St. Brigid parishes for socializing, prayer, and stewardship.