The purpose of the Committee will be threefold: (1) to identify and implement opportunities for Parish members to deepen their understanding of the Gospel and our Catholic faith; (2) to reach out to members of our Canton-Patterson Park community who are not active members of the Parish and provide them with opportunities to learn about the Gospel and our Catholic Faith in hope that they will join us on our faith journey; and (3) to promote more opportunities for fellowship among the members of the Parish with the goal of creating a more vibrant, Catholic community of believers whose involvement in the Church goes beyond attending a weekend Mass.
The purpose of the Liturgy Committee of the Faith Community of St. Casimir is to prepare and execute appropriate celebrations highlighting the Church’s liturgical year, which will draw the Faith Community into a vibrant experience of prayer and worship, encouraging all to participate as one body, at one table, sending us forth to carry out the mission of the Church.
The Finance Committee leads and guides the Faith Community in the ways of Christian Stewardship and advises the pastor so that our parish life will be enriched and continue to grow. Throughout the Scriptures the People of God are called to be faithful stewards who recognize that all spiritual and material blessings come from God’s bountiful love. As faithful stewards, we are called to use wisely, prudently and correctly the offerings and the support given by the members of the Faith Community. United in a thankful and generous spirit, we give honor and glory to God, we support God’s Church at all levels, i.e., local, archdiocesan and universal, and care for all God’s people.
The family is the heart and soul of our society and Church. The health and future of our society and our world depend upon the health and strength of our families. Often called the “Domestic Church”, the family is that sacred place where life, love and faith begin and are nurtured through the loving interaction that takes place in the home. The Family Ministry Committee has as its purpose to offer support to the families of our Faith Community and provide opportunities, both spiritual and social, which highlight and celebrate this most special of all God’s gifts.
As Jesus Christ teaches us when he says, “Whatever you do for one of my least sisters and brothers, you to for me,” the Pastoral Care Committee of St. Casimir seeks to comfort and care for those of our Faith Community and neighborhood who are in need, especially those who are elderly, infirm, and bereaving, and individuals and families in crisis.
The Pastoral Council is composed of members of the Faith Community, who in collaboration and consultation with the pastor and parish staff, accept responsibility for the life and the mission of the Church in the parish. The Council assists and advises the pastor in the ministerial development of the parish through recommendations and active cooperation in the setting of broad policy directions for the Faith Community. The members of the Council act as the authentic representative voice of the People of God and foster a spirit of volunteerism, thus promoting a greater sense of belonging and mutuality in ministry. It is the work of the Council to insure that the parish participates in the life of the Archdiocese and the community at large. The Pastoral Council is composed of the pastor and the pastoral staff, four members who are elected at-large, four members appointed by the pastor, and one representative from each of the five major parish Committees. Members of the Faith Community are encouraged to attend the meetings as observers.
A primary function of the Board is to recommend to the Pastor, school policy which is consistent with the mission of the School, the Parish, and the Archdiocese of Baltimore. The Board strives to broaden the participation of the Parish Community in the educational mission of the church. The School Board, recognizing that the primary responsibility for a child’s education rests with the parents, promotes the overall Mission and Philosophy of the School within the framework of a Christian education in the Catholic tradition. It is the responsibility of the Board to promote a diversity of thought and a variety of opinion to create a climate in which nurturing relationships can occur. This will enrich the discussion and provide a necessary prelude to consensus decision making. All of the Board’s decisions should be rooted in prayer, discernment, and the contemporary vision of the Church for Catholic education in an effort to prevent differences of opinion based on personal interest which could interrupt an orderly flow of business activities.
WHEN: Cleaning of the Church is scheduled weekly on Monday morning.
PURPOSE: Handle light weekly cleaning in the Church. New Dusters are always welcome.
PURPOSE: To honor the sacred name of Jesus Christ and to follow in his footsteps as honorable Catholic men and women fostering fellowship within the Faith Community.
ACTIVITIES: Various social gatherings throughout the year. See Parish Calendar for events.
MEETINGS: Dates vary
PURPOSE: To raise funds to benefit the youth of our Faith Community with tuition assistance.
ACTIVITIES: Four day festival in June.
MEETINGS: Weekly meetings held in the St. Anthony Hall: Wednesday evening from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM & Friday morning from 11:00 AM to 12:00 Noon.
PURPOSE: To be able to provide support for anyone suffering with the disease of alcoholism.
ACTIVITIES: Fellowship & weekly meetings.
PURPOSE: To provide short-term counseling and/or referrals to those experiencing emotional discomfort, family problems, etc.
MEETINGS: Weekly meeting held on Friday evenings from 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM in the St. Anthony Hall.
PURPOSE: 1 hour recovery meeting
ACTIVITIES: Fellowship and weekly meeting
PURPOSE: To provide financial support for St. Casimir School.
ACTIVITIES: Family Bingo, Lenten Food, sales, dances, etc.
PURPOSE: To provide activities for the twenty & thirty age group.
ACTIVITIES: Book Club, Gathering, etc. Visit our TnT Group Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/stcastnt
GATHERINGS: 1st Sunday of the month at 6:15 PM at the Hudson Street Stackhouse.
PURPOSE: To meet the social & spiritual needs of our young adults.
ACTIVITIES: Monthly service project at My Sister’s Place, monthly Bible Study and other events as announced.
Young Adult Activities (Click here)