The following is the updated summer Mass schedule for the pastorate, through Labor Day Weekend: Sunday Mass at St. Elizabeth at 11:15am Sunday Masses at St. Casimir at 8am and 10am Weekday Mass at 8am […]
Don’t miss all the fun at St. E’s Annual Shrimp Feast and Bull Roast on Saturday September 21st! Catch up with friends while enjoying all-you-can-eat steamed shrimp, and grilled beef, turkey and sausage. Plus delicious hot and cold buffets, beer and soda. Mega 50/50 Music Big 6 Wheel Games Tickets […]
St E’s softball team is starting up in April and we are looking for players. Our team is more focused on the social side, but softball skills are a bonus. Games are on Monday evenings across the street in the park. See Val or Adam for more info!